Big Salads
Try to vary your salads to keep them interesting - here are some ideas:
-use a few types of lettuce/fresh spinach/baby leaves/different greens mixed together.
-try different types of tomato, including sun-dried.
-finely grate down vegetables such as carrot, courgette and beetroot for colour and variety.
-use yellow bell pepper for a flash of colour.
-sprinkle seeds on for a nutritious topping, e.g. sesame, ground linseed, pumpkin.
-slice in olives or avocado for some essential fats.
-add pieces of pre-soaked seaweed or seaweed flakes/powder.
-experiment with salad dressings.
-chop nuts in for flavour and fats, e.g. pistachios, brazils.
-grow your own delicious and nutritious sprouts. Alfalfa´s good for beginners.
-add in fresh herbs and edible flowers for something tasty and appealing
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