7 Foods That Cause Bloating
By Diana Simmons
Bloating is a pretty common occurrence that people go through after eating. Bloating feels like someone is pushing on your stomach, from the inside out, and can range from discomfort to pain. Severe bloating can cause the stomach to distend greatly causing clothing not to fit and creating difficulty with movement. There are different kinds of bloating. Bloating that happens with PMS, menopause or pregnancy is different than bloating that happens after you eat. When you have frequent bloating there may be a few different things happening in your body. It can be a sign of a more serious digestive disorder or might be an overgrowth of a bacteria called Candida. There can also be parasites living in your bowels that cause bloating. It is important to see your doctor and make sure that your bloating is caused only by the foods you eat. I have compiled a list of the biggest culprits in the bloating game.
Raffinose is a sugar found in cabbage, brussel sprouts, beans, asparagus and other vegetables and whole grains. When you eat these foods raw they cause more bloating than they do if you cook them.
Lactose is a natural sugar found primarily in dairy products. You may find that if you are feeling bloated after eating dairy products.
Fructose is thought to be a large contributor to irritable bowel syndrome and is a sugar that can be found in fruits. When it naturally occurs in a food, there is less chance of bloating because the other enzymes needed to digest the fructose are contained in the fruit. The problem may arise when lactose is put by itself in processed foods like soda, fruit drinks and other processed foods. Read labels and avoid fructose if you think that it is causing you problems.
Sorbitol Malitol or any additive ending in itol, is a sugar substitute that will cause stomach cramps, gas and diarrhea if eaten in excess. What is excess? I have found that tolerance levels are different for everyone. I can only eat 3 or 4 lifesavers with Sorbitol in them before I start having stomach cramps, so watch out.
Starchy foods like corn potatoes rice bread and noodles along with foods made with flour. These foods create gas as they are broken down in the large intestine.
Wheat causes a lot of people bloating and gas. Many people eliminate flour and wheat products from their diet and see dramatic improvement in bloating issues.
Legumes cause bloating because of the complex structure of starch and protein. If you soak legumes before you eat them the chances of bloating will reduce.
Always check with your doctor to make sure that you are healthy and that making changes in your diet will assist you in reducing bloating. Follow these tips and you should feel much better.
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