Orange Tahini Dressing
A delightful light dressing that only takes a few minutes to make. Its
simplicity invites variation. Try adding 1 teaspoon chopped ginger and 1-2
teaspoons tamari. Or, add 2 teaspoons poppy seeds and 1/4 teaspoon
Chinese 5 spice powder.
2 tablespoons tahini
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
pinch sea salt
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon dulse flakes
1/8 teaspoon curry powder
In bowl, add orange juice gradually to tahini, stirring after each
addition. Add salt. Dressing tastes fine as is, or add spices to taste.
Yields approximately 1/2 cup
Types of Vegetarian
A vegan does not eat any fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products or foods that contain any of these products.
Lacto Ovo Vegetarian
A lacto ovo vegetarian does not eat meat, fish or poultry, but eats eggs and milk. They eat eggs and products made with eggs in them, yogurt, cheese, milk and ice creams.
Lacto Vegetarian
A lacto vegetarian does not eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs, but includes dairy products in their diet. They will eat milk, ice cream (that does not include eggs), yogurt and cheese. They would avoid ice creams, baked goods, pancakes and veggie burgers that contain eggs
A vegan does not eat any fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products or foods that contain any of these products.
Lacto Ovo Vegetarian
A lacto ovo vegetarian does not eat meat, fish or poultry, but eats eggs and milk. They eat eggs and products made with eggs in them, yogurt, cheese, milk and ice creams.
Lacto Vegetarian
A lacto vegetarian does not eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs, but includes dairy products in their diet. They will eat milk, ice cream (that does not include eggs), yogurt and cheese. They would avoid ice creams, baked goods, pancakes and veggie burgers that contain eggs
Its important that vegetarians eat a variety of whole grains, veggies, beans, soy, legumes, seeds and nuts to ensure you get all your essential amino acids.
Raw Nuts
Nuts provide protein and many essential vitamins, such as A and E. The contain minerals, such as phosphorous and potassium, and fibre. They are high in carbohydrate and oils, so shouldn't be eaten in excess.
Sesame Seeds
100g sesame seeds contain 26.4g protein, 12.6mg vitamin B3, 7.8mg iron, 131mg calcium and 10.3mg zinc.
Pumpkin Seeds
100g pumpkin seeds contain 29g protein, 11.2mg iron and 1144mg phosphorous.
Sunflower Seeds
100g sunflower seeds also contain 24g protein and 7.1mg iron and 120mg calcium.
Its important that vegetarians eat a variety of whole grains, veggies, beans, soy, legumes, seeds and nuts to ensure you get all your essential amino acids.
Raw Nuts
Nuts provide protein and many essential vitamins, such as A and E. The contain minerals, such as phosphorous and potassium, and fibre. They are high in carbohydrate and oils, so shouldn't be eaten in excess.
Sesame Seeds
100g sesame seeds contain 26.4g protein, 12.6mg vitamin B3, 7.8mg iron, 131mg calcium and 10.3mg zinc.
Pumpkin Seeds
100g pumpkin seeds contain 29g protein, 11.2mg iron and 1144mg phosphorous.
Sunflower Seeds
100g sunflower seeds also contain 24g protein and 7.1mg iron and 120mg calcium.
Stop Living in the Negative
& start Taking Care of Yourself...
Total health and total fitness are one and the same to me. You must be mentally, physically, and emotionally fit/healthy to embrace, enjoy, and make the most out of your life.
That being said, what are you doing to enhance your level of fitness, or, to look at the other side of the coin, what are you not doing that is causing you to be unhealthy, or unfit? To get the most out of your life – you’ve got to stop! Face it, we only have control over the few things in life that, well, we actually have control over. It’s a bummer, but it’s true.
So much in life feels, seems, and probably is, out of your control – but when it comes to your health – there is a lot you can do – or stop not doing – to be fitter, get healthier, and enjoy your life more. "Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." - Edward Stanley
Exercise more - this you have control over. Do it. You need to do aerobic and resistance/weight bearing exercise regularly. Walking is a fantastic exercise (and anybody can do it!), it is weight bearing and aerobic and will keep your muscles and bones strong and your heart cardiovascularly fit. Walking is great for losing weight, improving circulation, relieving stress, and helping you sleep better.
So why don’t people exercise regularly? Probably for the same reasons that people don’t eat well, though they know they should. Eat well – this, too, you have control over, so do it. To start, simply eat less processed and packaged foods and more fresh fruits, vegetables and fish. Stop drinking sugary (and diet) drinks, and drink more water.
Cut out fried, starchy and preserved foods and stop supersizing. Look at your plate and remember that the stomach your food is about to enter is only about the size of your fist - so ease up on the portions. But you know all this – so why oh why can’t you/we stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise?
Your psyche: this is the all-important wild card. This is the thing that no one wants to talk about because, well, we haven’t quite figured out how to make it work for us. Well, some of us have, sort of.
We know that using repetition for mental conditioning (changing your mind) works, so feed your mind positive images and thoughts of where you want to be, how you want to look, and what you want to do, throughout the day. Stop harping on what you don’t have – express your wants as desire, not coming from a place of lack.
We also know that you have to believe what you are saying way deep down inside for it to really manifest in your life, so say it, live it, and do what you can (like exercise, eat and spend money wisely) to feed your subconscious the messages that you do want to be healthy, thin, prosperous, and happy.
And we know that if you live in the negative, you will stay in the negative, so stop berating yourself, stop not taking care of yourself, and stop putting everyone else’s needs ahead of yours. Maybe it is easy to say – hard to do – but it’s worth a go if you really want to change.
Peace and Good Luck,
- Debbie Rocker
& start Taking Care of Yourself...
Total health and total fitness are one and the same to me. You must be mentally, physically, and emotionally fit/healthy to embrace, enjoy, and make the most out of your life.
That being said, what are you doing to enhance your level of fitness, or, to look at the other side of the coin, what are you not doing that is causing you to be unhealthy, or unfit? To get the most out of your life – you’ve got to stop! Face it, we only have control over the few things in life that, well, we actually have control over. It’s a bummer, but it’s true.
So much in life feels, seems, and probably is, out of your control – but when it comes to your health – there is a lot you can do – or stop not doing – to be fitter, get healthier, and enjoy your life more. "Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." - Edward Stanley
Exercise more - this you have control over. Do it. You need to do aerobic and resistance/weight bearing exercise regularly. Walking is a fantastic exercise (and anybody can do it!), it is weight bearing and aerobic and will keep your muscles and bones strong and your heart cardiovascularly fit. Walking is great for losing weight, improving circulation, relieving stress, and helping you sleep better.
So why don’t people exercise regularly? Probably for the same reasons that people don’t eat well, though they know they should. Eat well – this, too, you have control over, so do it. To start, simply eat less processed and packaged foods and more fresh fruits, vegetables and fish. Stop drinking sugary (and diet) drinks, and drink more water.
Cut out fried, starchy and preserved foods and stop supersizing. Look at your plate and remember that the stomach your food is about to enter is only about the size of your fist - so ease up on the portions. But you know all this – so why oh why can’t you/we stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise?
Your psyche: this is the all-important wild card. This is the thing that no one wants to talk about because, well, we haven’t quite figured out how to make it work for us. Well, some of us have, sort of.
We know that using repetition for mental conditioning (changing your mind) works, so feed your mind positive images and thoughts of where you want to be, how you want to look, and what you want to do, throughout the day. Stop harping on what you don’t have – express your wants as desire, not coming from a place of lack.
We also know that you have to believe what you are saying way deep down inside for it to really manifest in your life, so say it, live it, and do what you can (like exercise, eat and spend money wisely) to feed your subconscious the messages that you do want to be healthy, thin, prosperous, and happy.
And we know that if you live in the negative, you will stay in the negative, so stop berating yourself, stop not taking care of yourself, and stop putting everyone else’s needs ahead of yours. Maybe it is easy to say – hard to do – but it’s worth a go if you really want to change.
Peace and Good Luck,
- Debbie Rocker
My Attitude about Exercise:
I Want Results!
This is my attitude about exercise: If I am going to commit the time to exercise, I want to see results!
I know so many people that workout so much, for so little. Not me. When I exercise, I make every effort count. My exercise is efficient, well-planned and results-oriented.
Walking is one of my favorite exercises because I can do it anywhere and at any time. And I know how to "walkout," not just walk (walkout = walking workout). I use training tools, like my weighted Walkvest®, to burn more calories and increase all of the benefits of walking. I vary my training schedule so that my body never adapts, and I enlist a training partner, or use music to keep it motivating and fun.
This is a sample workout week:
• 2-3 relatively short, relatively intense training days. For example:
a) a 30-40 minute walk in my weighted Walkvest®, wearing 8 lbs of extra weight while keeping my pace fast enough so that my breathing is too intense to carry on a conversation, but not so intense that I can not keep the pace for 30-40 minutes.
b) 20-30 minutes of walk/jog, where I go out in my neighborhood and I walk fast for 2 minutes, then I jog for 2 minutes. Both the walk and the jog keep my heart rate high enough that 20-30 minutes feels like plenty.
c) With 4-6 lbs in my Walkvest®, I do a 30-40 minute strenuous hike (I am lucky enough to have hills nearby), or find stairs that I can incorporate into my walking regime (5-10 sets of 20 stairs), or include 5-10 sets of 20 walking lunges in my walkout.
• 1-2 longer, not as intense, training days. For example:
a) 40-50 minutes of walking strong and steady (wearing 4-6 lbs in my Walkvest) with a training partner (someone who is at least as strong as me, maybe even stronger). We pace each other, chat a bit, and plan our next walk before we are finished so that we stay committed and on schedule.
b) iPod loaded with my favorite music, I go for 45 minutes or so, and keep a steady, but not-too-strenuous, pace.
• 1 long day. For example:
a) I go for a long (longer than 60 minutes) hike or scenic walk. Try a "real estate" walk where you go to a neighborhood with beautiful homes and gardens and you walk for over an hour.
This 4-6 day schedule will get you super fit super fast.
*Of course using a Walkvest is optional - if you vary your exercise routine as I recommend, I assure you greater results from your training.
Peace and Happy Trails-
Debbie Rocker
I Want Results!
This is my attitude about exercise: If I am going to commit the time to exercise, I want to see results!
I know so many people that workout so much, for so little. Not me. When I exercise, I make every effort count. My exercise is efficient, well-planned and results-oriented.
Walking is one of my favorite exercises because I can do it anywhere and at any time. And I know how to "walkout," not just walk (walkout = walking workout). I use training tools, like my weighted Walkvest®, to burn more calories and increase all of the benefits of walking. I vary my training schedule so that my body never adapts, and I enlist a training partner, or use music to keep it motivating and fun.
This is a sample workout week:
• 2-3 relatively short, relatively intense training days. For example:
a) a 30-40 minute walk in my weighted Walkvest®, wearing 8 lbs of extra weight while keeping my pace fast enough so that my breathing is too intense to carry on a conversation, but not so intense that I can not keep the pace for 30-40 minutes.
b) 20-30 minutes of walk/jog, where I go out in my neighborhood and I walk fast for 2 minutes, then I jog for 2 minutes. Both the walk and the jog keep my heart rate high enough that 20-30 minutes feels like plenty.
c) With 4-6 lbs in my Walkvest®, I do a 30-40 minute strenuous hike (I am lucky enough to have hills nearby), or find stairs that I can incorporate into my walking regime (5-10 sets of 20 stairs), or include 5-10 sets of 20 walking lunges in my walkout.
• 1-2 longer, not as intense, training days. For example:
a) 40-50 minutes of walking strong and steady (wearing 4-6 lbs in my Walkvest) with a training partner (someone who is at least as strong as me, maybe even stronger). We pace each other, chat a bit, and plan our next walk before we are finished so that we stay committed and on schedule.
b) iPod loaded with my favorite music, I go for 45 minutes or so, and keep a steady, but not-too-strenuous, pace.
• 1 long day. For example:
a) I go for a long (longer than 60 minutes) hike or scenic walk. Try a "real estate" walk where you go to a neighborhood with beautiful homes and gardens and you walk for over an hour.
This 4-6 day schedule will get you super fit super fast.
*Of course using a Walkvest is optional - if you vary your exercise routine as I recommend, I assure you greater results from your training.
Peace and Happy Trails-
Debbie Rocker
Chickpea & Zucchini
Fritters with Tzatziki
Prep Time: 20 Minutes + 40 Minutes Standing
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Serves: Makes 15
These delicious fritters can be made and cooked up to three hours before serving, so they're the perfect snack to prepare before your friends arrive for dinner!
1. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, put in a food processor and process until finely mashed. Transfer to a bowl. Add zucchini, feta, mint, dill, chilli and egg. Mix with a wooden spoon to combine.
2. Cover the base of a large non-stick frying pan with oil, then heat on medium-high. Combine flour, salt, pepper and oregano on a plate. Put heaped tablespoons of the chickpea mixture into the flour and shape into patties. Dust off excess flour. Cook the fritters in batches for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden, and drain on paper towel. Serve the fritters with Tzatziki.
3. To make Tzatziki: Line a sieve with a piece of muslin. Spoon in the yoghurt and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Peel the cucumber, then cut in half lengthways. Run a teaspoon down the centre of the cucumber to remove the seeds, then discard. Grate the cucumber and onion and put in a strainer with the salt. Stand for 10 minutes. Rinse, drain and press out excess moisture. Put in a bowl, add the garlic and strained yoghurt, and stir to combine.
Fritters with Tzatziki
Prep Time: 20 Minutes + 40 Minutes Standing
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Serves: Makes 15
These delicious fritters can be made and cooked up to three hours before serving, so they're the perfect snack to prepare before your friends arrive for dinner!
1. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, put in a food processor and process until finely mashed. Transfer to a bowl. Add zucchini, feta, mint, dill, chilli and egg. Mix with a wooden spoon to combine.
2. Cover the base of a large non-stick frying pan with oil, then heat on medium-high. Combine flour, salt, pepper and oregano on a plate. Put heaped tablespoons of the chickpea mixture into the flour and shape into patties. Dust off excess flour. Cook the fritters in batches for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden, and drain on paper towel. Serve the fritters with Tzatziki.
3. To make Tzatziki: Line a sieve with a piece of muslin. Spoon in the yoghurt and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Peel the cucumber, then cut in half lengthways. Run a teaspoon down the centre of the cucumber to remove the seeds, then discard. Grate the cucumber and onion and put in a strainer with the salt. Stand for 10 minutes. Rinse, drain and press out excess moisture. Put in a bowl, add the garlic and strained yoghurt, and stir to combine.
Basmati Rice
Rice is a balancing effect on the entire digestive system and soothes the nervous system. Short grain brown rice offers the richest source of vitamins and minerals. Most popular in Ayurveda, basmati rice is a light and aromatic long-grain variety with the cooling effect on the body. It is good for calming an irritated gut and is easier to digest than brown rice.
Try soak rice for an hour or longer in colder water before cooking it.
Rice is a balancing effect on the entire digestive system and soothes the nervous system. Short grain brown rice offers the richest source of vitamins and minerals. Most popular in Ayurveda, basmati rice is a light and aromatic long-grain variety with the cooling effect on the body. It is good for calming an irritated gut and is easier to digest than brown rice.
Try soak rice for an hour or longer in colder water before cooking it.
Recommended as a good Liver Tonic
Psyllium provides the benefits of fiber for intestinal cleansing and maintenance for healthy bowel function, making it a particularly supplement for individuals who have a low dietary intake of fiber.
Detoxification is important because of the many common pollutants and toxins our bodies are exposed to everyday. If the liver and digestive tract become overloaded, cells that line the intestinal wall can become damaged and more permeable. This can lead to the re-absorption of toxins which disrupt the delicate balance in the gut, causing constipation, bloating, excessive flatulence, irregular bowel movements and overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
Toxin overdose may make you feel tired, irritable, nauseous and make you prone to allergies and other immune disorders caused by an imbalance within the digestive tract.
Recommended as a good Liver Tonic
Psyllium provides the benefits of fiber for intestinal cleansing and maintenance for healthy bowel function, making it a particularly supplement for individuals who have a low dietary intake of fiber.
Detoxification is important because of the many common pollutants and toxins our bodies are exposed to everyday. If the liver and digestive tract become overloaded, cells that line the intestinal wall can become damaged and more permeable. This can lead to the re-absorption of toxins which disrupt the delicate balance in the gut, causing constipation, bloating, excessive flatulence, irregular bowel movements and overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
Toxin overdose may make you feel tired, irritable, nauseous and make you prone to allergies and other immune disorders caused by an imbalance within the digestive tract.

Raw Chocolate...
Raw chocolate is probably the number one food for getting rid of food cravings. You just take a small amount whenever you have the cravings. Eat that and the cravings will go away. Almost a 100 percent. I've seen people quit cigarettes, smoking, on drugs and all sorts of things. Sugar is so hard in our society. It also acts as an appetite suppressant. If you are eating some, it takes away your overall appetite for eating so much.

- Alternative breakfast
* Serves 2
1 cup of water
1 small or medium banana
1/2 cup of strawberries or other berries.
2 egg whites
3 tablespoons of Jalna strawberry low fat yoghurt
1 heaped table spoon of LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond meal)
2 ice cubes if you like it cold
Put all in blender and blend until smooth
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