
"Face Challenge &

Be Disciplined"

It is easy to weaken discipline. Just spend years lying on the couch, watching TV, and eating junk food with no direction, goals or dreams. A lazy lifestyle weakens the discipline muscle to the point that getting out of bed takes effort. Even doing the dishes becomes work and searching for the TV converter is stressful.

Comfort is important. It gives happiness, right? I wish couch potatoes were the happiest people in the world. But, they are not. The couch is a prison cell, the TV a window to the outside world, a secure place that keeps out pain and rejection. The place is agony, for its walls scream you are powerless, hopeless, valueless with nothing to give. And so, couch potatoes live a miserable existence.

To gain discipline, you have to face pain. The more you face it, the more you gain confidence and determination. It is an exhilarating high to run five miles after you're conditioned to running. It hurts to start, but as your training progresses, there is a feeling of freedom and joy.Facing Challenge is exhilarating. We love competition for that reason. It challenges us to give our best.

We need challenge to grow. The greater the challenge, the greater the growth. That is why dreams are important; they bring us to the edge of challenge.

In choosing your goals, choose goals that will challenge you beyond what you believe you are capable of achieving. Usually the things that we don't want to do are the best for us. Morning exercise is arduous, but it is a great way to start the day. When we face pain, our determination becomes stronger. Facing pain develops resolve and shakes off that overly sensitive-to-life feeling. Calisthenics, cycling, running, swimming and weight lifting strengthen discipline because they pit determination against pain.

Controlling food intake is a serious challenge. It is time to pit your determination against pain and face the ugly giant … the feeling of hunger.

Are you up for challenges that will cause growth? Are you up for challenges that will force you to give your best? If you are, it's time to make some decisions, durable decisions that won't weaken during the onslaught of temptation. You may lose a few battles, but with resolute decisions you will win the war because resolute decisions are powered by focused determination that screams, "I won't quit or back down."Decision PowerWhen you ate the donuts, you made a decision. They comforted you and led you down the path of sugar-coated, chocolate-dipped, cream-filled pleasures. When the alarm clock rang and you went back to sleep, you made a decision. When you ate another piece of pie, you made a decision. When you lazed on the couch instead of cutting the grass, you made a decision. Each decision was a path, the easy road where you decided to give into your cravings, urges and laziness.

Most people make New Year's resolutions. They decide to quit smoking, start exercising and lose weight. Four days later, they're drowning in nicotine, pizza and reruns. Their resolution failed the test.

Where is the point where you have finally had enough and you make those resolute, I've-had-enough, never-go-back-again decisions? The ones that endure pain and stand the test of time.

Those are the decisions that change our lives. We don't argue with those decisions because we know the answer is, NO! They are resolute. Gandhi stood resolute and unbending before threats of pain, and freed India. That is the power of an unmovable, unshakable, unbending, uncompromising decision. It is the power that shakes empires and inspires millions.

Life-changing decisions don't pop into our heads while watching TV. They are forged, like swords in the fires of our souls. A sword to cut away useless desires and temptations. To slice habits from our character with deadly precision. Its steel is heated with passion and conviction, then shaped, molded and tempered with wisdom. Its edge glimmers with light, sharpened so that nothing may withstand it. It is the power of decision, a sword in the hands of a conqueror for those willing to endure its sharpness.

You make hundreds of decisions each day. Most are decided by habit. Don't do that. Make your decisions, conscious of the path on which they are taking you. Choose decisions that challenge and cause growth. Make the decisions that force change for the better.

How badly do you want to be free from food addiction? Are you willing to face the ugly giant called hunger? You have the power to form life-changing decisions, but only if you are willing to face the edge that cuts dross from your life.

There are so many things that we believe we need. We hang on to hollow pleasures to soothe our empty soul. But those pleasures chain us. Freedom comes from letting go of those pleasures. Are you willing?

Write out a list of your decisions.


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